Beyond this multi-criteria approach, the Bilan Carbone, which only measures CO2 emissions, is nevertheless an essential step for any company wishing to take stock of its environmental impact, including its products, activities and infrastructures. With this in mind, we are carrying out our first 2023 carbon assessment on scopes 1, 2, 3, in partnership with La Belle Empreinte using the PEF method.
We're looking forward to quantifying our CO2 emissions in order to understand where the most promising decarbonization levers lie, set reduction targets and draw up a long-term action plan.
In 2018, the European Union developed and adopted a scientific method, the PEF (Product Environmental Footprint), to rigorously define and assess the environmental footprint.
It takes into account 16 impact categories (depletion of fossil resources, fine particles, freshwater eco-toxicity...) and all stages of the product life cycle.